Guess what. It wasn't Hillary Clinton.
It was...

I was in California on business and I went for a run up in the hills outside of LA to clear my head because (you might have noticed) some SHIT WENT DOWN this week.

(it was a real pretty run).
But I’m not here to talk about that.
No. I’m deeply confused about another issue:
Ummmm Caifornia…WHAT. HAPPENED??
Didn’t you invent recycling?
Aren’t you where the “Patient Zero” of the “Don’t Litter” movement came from?
Didn't (s)he then infect the rest of the country with your crazy-pants ideas about keeping trash off the ground?
If we were all on Family Feud and 100 people were polled about what they associated with the word “California”, wouldn’t the survey say:
Tree Hugging Hippies!
Admit it, I said CALIFORNIA, and you pictured someone driving a Prius to the farmer’s market while debating the merits of Organic & Local vs just Local or just Organic while their carpool buddies rolled a joint of sticky green homegrown weed!
Well, as they say on the Fued:

Apparently, we’re all wrong about Californians.
From what I can see, they’re too busy THROWING TOILET PAPER ON THE GROUND to even begin to delve into the murky world about if we should all be drinking cold pressed juice and only flushing for #2.
And here’s the crazy thing. On my run, THERE WERE 3 TRASH CANS AND A RECYCLING BIN! It’s not like the parks department isn’t trying their damndest to help you! There were dog bag dispensers and trash cans ALL OVER THE F*CKING PLACE!
What follows is a pictorial journey of me sliding further down the spectrum from “Come on guys!” to “oh you have got to be f*cking kidding me!”
Uvaya Trail, you get an F.
The only thing that saved you from F Minus was an awesomely photogenic, well placed, hidden sunset chair.

Other than that: FAIL.